Shall Not Want (Day & Dym)
Mel Day and Miriam Dym, Shall Not Want, 2011, digital pigment print, dimensions variable
Miriam Dym of Dym Products designed this custom-made coat for Day’s Study Guides for Experimental Contemplatives series. This speculative, multi-media three-volume series includes large archival prints of potential covers featuring photographs of “experimental contemplative moves” and spreads based on the scans of old books with notations.
This body of work was developed with the support of a Visiting Artist Residency at the Experimental Media Arts Lab, Stanford University, and the Stanford Office for Religious Life (Winter & Spring 2011). It was subsequently developed into a Center for Experimental Contemplatives during a collaborative residency at The Lab, San Francisco (Pieces-of-You-topia, organized by Sasha Petrenko, 2011; see below).